Desert Days
Upcoming: February 7th
Upcoming: February 7th
Desert Days are the first Fridays in even months. This time is about listening for God’s leading. The main point of the day is to spend time in quiet with our holy and loving God. Within the unhurried rhythm of the day, find a place that nurtures your soul, maybe outside, with as few distractions as possible, and just “be.” Sense God within you; respond with your heart. It seems God also delights in having uninterrupted time with each person, to have our faces turned toward this One who loves.
Learn more. |
2025 Beach Retreat
"Learn the Unforced Rhythms of Grace"
Friday, Jan 24- Sunday, Jan 26
Come away, anchor deep into a safe harbor and experience Jesus' invitation to learn the unforced rhythms of grace. "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll recover your life." (Matthew 11:28-30)
Come and rest in a beautiful beach setting with focused time for reflection and silence as well as community and sharing. Be refreshed and renewed. Click here for more information. |
2025 Lenten Book Study
Beholding: Deepening Your Experience of God
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This book is an invitation to a God-soaked life. Prayer isn’t meant to be just another transaction in the busy consumer-saturated world we live in, but a place of holy union, a deeply satisfying communion of receiving and returning the loving gaze of our Maker. Beholding is an invitation to that life. Not only praying to God or working for God but living in and with God in our everyday ordinary moments, enchanting our entire lives. Read more... |
__________Previous Events__________
FALL 2023 BOOK STUDY (In Person)
Just This by Richard Rohr
This small book is a collection of brief and evocative meditations and practices that invite us to cultivate the gift of waking up to the beauty of reality in all its glorious ordinariness. It creates a spaciousness for the soul to grow into a kind of seeing that goes beyond merely looking, teaching us how, not what, to see. It’s the heart of contemplation - the centerpiece of any inner dialogue.
Read more... |
On Tuesday, May 2, we will gather to celebrate 25 years of coming away to anchor deep in God. “Celebrating 25 Years of Learning to Dance: God Leads, We Follow” has been our theme all year. Perhaps this is our only hope for living well? Letting God lead! The main point of this evening is to enjoy our holy and triune God with kindred spirits, share stories, listen for God’s leading for what’s next? We will take some time in quiet with our holy and gracious God and enjoy each other's stories, too.
Get more information and register here (.pdf) |
On Tuesday, February 28, we will gather together in the Fellowship Hall at First Baptist Greenville for for our 2023 Friend Raiser. Our theme is "Always...We Begin Again."
If you cannot join us in person, please watch the livestream on Vimeo here. Download the order of worship (.pdf) |
Celebrating 25 Years of Learning to Dance:
God Leads, We Follow
It is a new fiscal year, and our 25th year in existence! We invite you to celebrate our 25 years all year with us, unabashedly grateful for all God has done. We begin a new theme for our quarterly issues of Depth Soundings. The theme this year is “Celebrating 25 years of Learning to Dance: God Leads, We Follow.”
We hope to introduce our community to even more participants. Read more... and join us. |
Worship with us
On Tuesday, April 26, 2022 friends of The Anchorage gathered on Zoom to worship and celebrate how life with God is a two-step where God loves us and we love God back. The theme for our worship was "Dance of Love." Watch the recording. (on the left) Download the order of worship (.pdf)
Exploration of Julian of Norwich
Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of Divine Love is truly an astounding work: An inspired example of Christian mysticism, a unique contribution to Christian Theology, the first book in English known to have been written by a woman. But it can also be daunting work! Veronica Mary Rolf, who has been studying Julian’s text for decades, serves as a trustworthy guide for readers willing to take up and read Julian’s work. We will engage the text in our own settings in-between sessions, and then take time for reflection together and in solitude during our weekly gatherings. Learn more.
On Tuesday, April 27, 2021 some good friends of The Anchorage gathered on Zoom to worship and witness to how God has used contemplation to relieve our fears; to recenter us; to move us to pray and serve. The theme for our worship was "Hope in God in Contemplative Community." Watch the recording. (on the left) Download the order of worship (.pdf)
Thank you for remembering us in your #GivingTuesday
support. The anchor is the symbol of HOPE! The timing is ripe for the HOPE that The Anchorage provides through prayerful retreats, spiritual direction, and Depth Soundings. Use the Give button above to make your gift today! |
Make Your Home in My Love
“Catherine Powell is clearly a seasoned spiritual guide. Adding a distinctive emphasis on the active engagement issuing naturally from contemplative practice, she expands the classic threefold path of purgation, illumination, and union to its graced fruit of love expressed in the world. . . . May this book further God’s dream for open-hearted human participation in the divine life permeating this world.”
—Marjorie J. Thompson, teacher, retreat leader, and author of Soul Feast |