Welcome! and thank you for visiting The Anchorage!
Just as an anchor tethers a vessel, the ministry of The Anchorage offers grounding for those whose hearts are restless. As a boat rests on top of quiet waters, secure in its moorings, fellow pilgrims find a place to listen for God’s still, small voice. Whether in a rocking chair on a secluded deck, in a quiet room, or by the fireplace, yearning souls may come to know more fully the mystery of God’s love, as revealed in Jesus the Christ.
People are hungry for authentic spiritual companionship. Many are concerned about the crassness of the larger culture and the fracturedness and frantic pace of life – they desire to slow down and notice more about who they are and how to be connected with God. They are dissatisfied with what feels like a lack of significance and are seeking something more. - Jeannett Bakke
We at The Anchorage believe God invites us to healing and wholeness. God longs to mend our brokenness, soothe our pain, and relieve us of our oppressive fears and burdens. Through The Anchorage, thirsty souls may experience welcoming, safe space with unhurried time to be with God.
Just as an anchor tethers a vessel, the ministry of The Anchorage offers grounding for those whose hearts are restless. As a boat rests on top of quiet waters, secure in its moorings, fellow pilgrims find a place to listen for God’s still, small voice. Whether in a rocking chair on a secluded deck, in a quiet room, or by the fireplace, yearning souls may come to know more fully the mystery of God’s love, as revealed in Jesus the Christ.
People are hungry for authentic spiritual companionship. Many are concerned about the crassness of the larger culture and the fracturedness and frantic pace of life – they desire to slow down and notice more about who they are and how to be connected with God. They are dissatisfied with what feels like a lack of significance and are seeking something more. - Jeannett Bakke
We at The Anchorage believe God invites us to healing and wholeness. God longs to mend our brokenness, soothe our pain, and relieve us of our oppressive fears and burdens. Through The Anchorage, thirsty souls may experience welcoming, safe space with unhurried time to be with God.